Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wave Gothic Treffen

So "Wave Gothic Treffen"
I mentioned it in my post about Frank the Baptist.

Its this big festival for goths.
Some good bands play there.
in 2009 there were 192.

Here are some highlights:

Clan of Xymox
Frank the Baptist
Frozen Plasma
Neutral - Actually i've never heard this band before, or even know what theya re, but they haev a cool name. hahahahaha,

Peter Murphy
Theatre of Hate...

Yeah... pretty much everything else pretty much sucks.

*Edit. Neutral mostly suck too.

Actually if I really wanted to, I bet I could find some really good bands in the listings. In fact I jsut found out that Frank the Baptist, lead singer of Frank The Baptist has a solo project called Telegram Frank.

And Also the Trees use to play there.
Which makes it... post awesome.
And Also the Trees Are Awesome.
Seriously. You just don't understand.

I told you you wouldn't understand.
But And Also the Trees are gods.
Even if I am one of the few people who thinks this.
They are.
Telling yourself otherwise is moving away from the truth.
Don't lie to yourself.

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