Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Daily What The Fuck Moment: Goodle has a sick sense of humor?

Ok So I googled recursion:Think about it.
Oh and guess where that link takes me too?

1 comment:

  1. http://1d4chan.org/wiki/1d4chan

    Engraved on the wall is a finely-designed image of a dwarf and dwarves and dwarves and dwarves and dwarves and dwarves and dwarves.
    The dwarf is surrounded by the dwarves.
    The dwarves are surrounded by the dwarves.
    The dwarves are surrounded by the dwarves.
    The dwarves are surrounded by the dwarves.
    The dwarves are surrounded by the dwarves.
    The dwarves are surrounded by the dwarves.
    The dwarves are surrounded by the dwarves.
    The dwarves are screaming.
    The dwarves are screaming.
    The dwarves are screaming.
    The dwarves are screaming.
    The dwarves are screaming.
    The dwarves are screaming.
    The dwarves are laughing.
