Saturday, September 5, 2009

More Random Obcession

And Also The Trees.
What can I say.
Quite a lot actually to our dismay.

If I was a band, I would be And Also The Trees.

So brilliant, quiet, totally unnoticed, and if it is hated by most.

And Also The Trees could be a really big band, but there are a few things that stop it.

1: Their Name.
I love their name, but I'm sure that if they had a name like... "The Other Trees"
or something to that extent, that they would be MANY MANY times more famous.

2: They're recording quality is SHIT. The band is a billion tomes better live.
I have a bootleg that sounds many times better than the actual album work.

3: Their singer had a fucking singing lesson.

However, if any of these things changed... They just wouldn't be "And Also The Trees"

So why do I like them so much if I have all these negative things to say?
Well, I never said that these were bad. I said that that was why they are not famous.

Their lyrics are fucking amazing.

But anyways.

So most of my readers.
(Read ALL)

Will hate And Also The Trees.

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