Thursday, August 13, 2009

A group I hate so Much.....

There is a band I hate SO much that I actually keep their "best" song on my itunes with a genre of "Reminder NEVER to look up this band again... EVER"

The Band?

Apoptygma Bezerk.

Who are they?
Well. Its an electronic synth band....
Amd they try to be "in" with the cyber goths appearently.
(My Arch Nemesis)
And so in such a dark and gloomy music scene.
(Yes 2 words I hate to hear applied to ANYTHING ESPECIALLY ART)
They like to be pro-christianity.

Honestly. I have no problem with that.
I'm not trying to say that thats bad or that Religion sucks, or that its weird for goths to like them because they are all obviously satanists or something retarded like that.

No thats not why I hate them at all.
I'm not even going to comment on their appearence:
(Picture really doesn't need to show so much detail)

No I don't hate them for looking like emo fuckwits.
(That would be to easy)
I hate them
for this:

Alright. Well There are a couple things to get into.
I'm not going to complain about the music YET.
I'm going to complain about something totally insane.
Because thats what I do on this blog.

Something caught my eye early in on this video.

White Pants.
But no its not JUST white pants,
he is wearing a sweater to.

Its like he is trying to give me a message..
Just look at his mouth... whats that i hear...
"Fuck youuuuuu"
Oh that explains it all.
Fuck you too.

Also their music sucks.

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