Monday, August 31, 2009

Blogging for the sake of blogging

I'm blogging now.
So now people can read my blog post on my blog.
And then people can blog about my blog, and the fact the I blog for the sake of blogging about blogging for the blogging of the blog, so that the blog will be blogged about because of the blog subject material, of the blog being blogged a bout for the sake of blogs blogging about my blog that I blog about, so that the blogs will continue to blog, because a blog must be blogged in order to continue being a blog. If nobody blogged it wouldn't be a blog anymore, it would be a useless collection of ramblings, but instead blogging gives the power of adding on a stupid sounding word, ie, blog. The blogs that blog about this blog blogging about blogging for the sake of bloggine will be blogs because i blogged to bloog.


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