Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Daggerfall - A video Game

Alright. The Elder Scrolls series is pretty awesome.

I give morrowind a 13 on the meorker scale of awesome.
however Oblicion is not rated as the meorker scale only covers influx velocity.

Anyways i'm, talking about Daggerfall here, and as we all know, only totally inanely insane or otherwise pointless things get put here.

Daggerfall is proof behind the whole "Video games get worse with better graphics" theory.

I shall start with oblivion, as it is the newest game in the series.

The improvements to oblivion were mostly eye candy. I hate oblivion. Sure it does some good things, but Morrowind is better, fuck oblivion.

Anyways this is a map of a town in oblivion.

Ok its a map... 22 buildings. cool whatever.


Oblivion supposedly has a landmass of 16 miles, however it is mostly forest and mountains, and is easy to run through quickly.

onto morrowind.

(Click for full image)

Alright so in this town, there is over 30 buildings. Sure its not much more, but every bit counts.
Anyways, morrowind is awesome. Also morrowind is supposedly 6 miles. However morrowind is much more detailed than oblivion. There are also more things in general in morrowind. but this sin't about morrowind this is about daggerfall. I close this with saying. it takes about 30 minutes to an hour to walk across oblivion, it takes about 6 fucking hours to walk across morrowind.

Alright so now that you have seen a map of morrowind and oblivion,
(Click for Full Image)

Its a wee bit larger.

As i have stated before Morrowind is supposedly 6 miles. Oblivion is 16.
Daggerfall is 62,394 Miles. Yes fucking 62,394 miles.
62,394 MILES.

Thats 161,600 square kilometres.
40,400,000 acres
(It's also larger than Greece. And just barely smaller than Wisconsin)

This game also has
over 15,000 towns, cities, villages, and dungeons.
(Wisconsin respectivly has 1,260 towns)

Morrowind is is 0.01% the size of Daggerfall.

Daggerfall has over
750,000 NPC's.

In short Daggerfall is ridiculous.
ITs ridiculously ridiculous.

Here is a trailer for the game:

The first thing you may notice it that the graphics suck.
Yeah, thats right. A virtual work bigger than Bulgaria with graphics like that.


Whoever sat around the game studios and decieded.

Was probably being sarcastic, however, the whole affair gets a 7 on the Meorker Scale of Awesome.

Also, Sixty-two Thousand Three Hundred and Nintey-four is far better than over 9,000.


  1. Ah, but 62,394 IS over 9000.

    (Insert awesomeface.jpg here)

  2. But 62,394 is oddly specific, thus better.

    And so is the allegro of Antonin Dvoraks American Suite. (which is the song they used in the daggerfall trailer.)

  3. your right on, I hate the fact that all that matters in new games is better graphics. I still play Daggerfall on dos box and life is good

  4. Don't get us started on skyrim! Glitchy, laggy, Crashy. The graphics arre good, but the didn't put enough effort in.

  5. Obviously your all great game developers yourselves so why not make a better game to show us all how bad TES has got...

    I know the work that needs to go into new game engines and the amount of information that needs to be processed, yes you can have over 60 square miles of crappy graphics or you can have 6 square miles of graphics that are not already drawn but get displayed in real-time, that shadow on the ground isn't a picture that has been drawn and then simply switched on when required.

    This all allows for a different type of immersion, one which can drag the player into the visual world to create there own story rather than being another Joe Bloggs following the already written script, seeing the shadow of a dragon skimming across the ground and looking up to see a dragon right above you when your not even lvl 10 adds excitment which Daggerfall could never give. Daggerfall was "ok enemies around here somewhere, i know cause i been through the game 1000000000 times." Skyrim is a bit more of "There's no bandits here, I cleared out the OH FCUK WHERE DID THAT DRAGON COME FROM!" Good immersion.

    TES is all about creating your own story, the early games wasn't so good at that as they was restricted by the technology at the time, over time tho they have been able to lead it into the direction they want, a game where you create your own story within it. That doesn't require scripted paths for you to take and it is highlighted in TESO aiming to make everything intractable so you can create your own story, with such freedom then you should also expect to see some oversights, some 'glitches' that wasn't thought about, after all they are giving us a game where everything isn't already per-determined.

  6. You people are morons who lavish praise on Daggerfall while panning Oblivion and Skyrim. Ridiculously large game map does not equal great game. Daggerfall is mind numbingly repetitive and the terrain and story lacks any creative qualities. I don't know if you are under the spell of some kind of hipster/nerd nostalgia, but I think your perception is severely distorted.
