Friday, July 17, 2009

Music And Stuff

People seem to associate more with music than other forms of art.
Which annoys me.
Because well.... I don't like music.

I find this to be a creative musical endeavor.

Literature is better than music.
Paintings can be as good as music sometimes. But really music and paintings are best when put toghether. But Paintings, don't show the truth.
Even photography is distorted.

Describing oneself is stupid.
yet people seek to find themselves.
So they describe themselves with art.

Some people paintings, most music, and others literature.

While describing oneself may seem "impossible"
It isn't its totally possible, but its not something people want to hear.

Of course pinning it down to one particular item of art is difficult, as people change.

So Literature is usually to specific, same with painting.
So music tends to be the easiest way to express.
However most people associate with lyrics, hence pop music structure.
(You listen to pop get over it.)

So the more generic the lyrics the more people can associate with that song.

(Got totally distracted by other things)

Anyways so songs are so generic that a large group of people can associate with them.


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