Sunday, July 19, 2009

This blog seems to be dieing.

I haven't had a comment in quite a while.
Less I get one soon. I might give up the whold blogging thing.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I want money...
So I can give it to those whom make me happy.
So that they can keep making me happy.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Music And Stuff

People seem to associate more with music than other forms of art.
Which annoys me.
Because well.... I don't like music.

I find this to be a creative musical endeavor.

Literature is better than music.
Paintings can be as good as music sometimes. But really music and paintings are best when put toghether. But Paintings, don't show the truth.
Even photography is distorted.

Describing oneself is stupid.
yet people seek to find themselves.
So they describe themselves with art.

Some people paintings, most music, and others literature.

While describing oneself may seem "impossible"
It isn't its totally possible, but its not something people want to hear.

Of course pinning it down to one particular item of art is difficult, as people change.

So Literature is usually to specific, same with painting.
So music tends to be the easiest way to express.
However most people associate with lyrics, hence pop music structure.
(You listen to pop get over it.)

So the more generic the lyrics the more people can associate with that song.

(Got totally distracted by other things)

Anyways so songs are so generic that a large group of people can associate with them.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Because it's not google.

So there is a search engine called bing.
I decided to look at it.
Why the hell not. It gave me something to blog about.

Alright, so I'll start with what I like about it.

1: it had a cute picture of a racoon thing.
complete with facts about said cute racoon thing.
Unfortunately they probably change the picture a lot.
So yeah.

2: Ok i'm out

Now the things I didn't like about it.
Thus making it worthless.
'muff said

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

"With a Herring!" Japanese Revisited.

So I have come across a strange error in my Japanese that seems... very...

I tend to mistype the japanese word for girl.
by switching two letters that sound basically the same either way.
(No specifics, learn Japanese yourself!)

So my problem, is that when I spell it with the accidental reversed syllable...
It means "With a Herring!"
(Google translator actually includes the exclamation point.)

Seriously.... Doesn't this seem... REALLY BAD.

A small slip could turn
"I'd like to meet that girl"
"I'd like to meet that with a herring!"

I probably don't need to tell you how this could get perverted quickly.

I'll just stop talking now.


So colours.
So... Colours are weird.

When I look at a colour spectrum I can't help but feel that it's... well incomplete.
I can't really describe what colours aren't there, but they aren't there, and it's..
Well bloody confusing.

Anybody know what i'm talking about.
I mean its kind of weird, because I'm colourblind.
So what the hell do I know about colours.
But It's just.. not all there.

Something... a lot of something is missing.

Its bothering me.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Peter Murphy Tribute Article

Peter Murphy

Peter is Awesome.

Really I can't say anything with words.
Check this out:

I told you.
His face is a work of art in itself.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Damn straight it's go!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009



Band of the Week - Antonín Dvořák

I don't know anything about him
(Or at least that's what I'm going to say.)

I'm also going to say Cthulhu.

I'm not going to mention walrus though.
Especially Russian dancing walruses.

Webcomic Review #2 - Crow Scare

Crow Scare is a fairly new comic up,
I just saw it around and read what has been done.
Due to lack of nothing else to blog about,
I shall write about it.

Crows kill things.

Here is my lowdown on it.

(Scoring 1 low 10 high)

Plot - 10
Crows, kill things.
1 point for originality, 9 points for crows.

Art - 9
Very oily
Greasy... like a crow.

I can't really say too much else about it.

Check it out, in its (About 10 page) glory.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Grunge And Emo

"Hello Hello Hello
Hello Hello Hello
Hello Hello
Hello Hello Hello
hello hello hello
hello hello"
- Nirvana

Alright so today's topic.
Emo. And Grunge,
(Warning, stereotyping stereotypes ahead.)


Here is a story.

Once upon a time.
A record company (Universal) heard a band, not just any band.
It was something new.
It was "Edgy"
It used guitar distortion.
It was....

It was Nirvanah.
They whined, bitched and moaned,
all the while being "Grunge"

And then the lead singer killed himself.
And the whole grunge thing went to hell
but not before it had made a shitton of money.

Later, Emo happened.
There was guitar distortion.
The people wore black, and combed their hair over.
They whined, bitched and moaned even more than Nirvanah,
It was edgey, it was.... emo.

Anyways, long story short, Emo and grunge have a lot in common.
Hell... If you dress like kurt Cobain, your probably going to get shit, same if you wear emo clothes. And that just makes you want to go and listen to your respective whiney bastard.

Oh and one last story.

Once apon a time,
there was a record company.
They heard a band with no talent whatsoever,
They screamed, played guitars loudly.
It was edgey, it was different,
It was the sex pistols.

Not that i'm insinuating anything here.