Friday, May 15, 2009

Webcomic Review - Zebra Girl
I have no Idea Where to begin.
Its Awesome.
While lately the story has been... well random.
Its still one of the best comic's I have ever read in my life.
It isn't really one of the "ha ha funny" kind of comics.
But it really isn't exactly a "graphic novel" either.
The artwork has gotten a lot better recently, but as I have said, the story seems to be winding down.

I'd recommend it, read it from the begging, see if it's your kind of thing.
If I had to plot out its story elements it would look something like..

Demons, plaid, rabbits, and spontaneous combustion.

Yeah I don't have to much more to say.

(Thanks to another blogger whom gave me the idea to review a webcomic)


  1. =D

    Currently i am re-reading Questionable content, but as soon as i am done with that i will hit up Zebra-girl. In the mean time, may i suggest Darths and Droids?

  2. I've read that, not really into it.

    Comics ni general aren't really my fort'e
