Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Movie Review Plan 9 From outer space

Yes this is where the blog name comes from.

Well this movie was made by a group of people whom set out with "good" intentions.
Unfortunately they apparently took many blows to the head while making it.
Thus resulting in memory loss.

Which is why the plot revolves around... screw it.. its time for a summary..

This guy's wife is dead.
She turns into a vampire.

She is also anorexic.

Then. they take a blow to the head.
What were they making?
oh yeah a horror movie.

Whats scary?

Especially when they are dangled menacingly from a string.
The army attacks
Blow to the head.

Suddenly its about cops.

But a cop died by being stared at by the vampire in the beginning of the movie.

so what happens?


Is he a zombie, or is he a perv?
Who can tell?

Then an aliens "electro" gun jams.

Then all the random charecters come toghether.
Millitary, police, etc.


Then they all go into the alien ship.
And suddenly the movie is hijacked by hippies.
And then Right wingers, and then hippies, and then right wingers again.

0k let me clarify.

Aliens came.
Early movie military says:
"We tried to contact them. but they do not answer our radio. We tried to make peace, but they attacked one of our towns, a small town, but still a town of humans."

Middle movie Military says: "We contacted them, but they did not speak our language. Fortunately we have developed the language computer that translates their language to our tongue. Here listen"
Alien recording: "We come in peace"
(Then hippies highjack it)
Alien: "we must stop you from developing bombs capable of destroying the world!"

Late movie Aliens: "I'm going to kill you all with my undead army!" (Of 3 people) (2 dead at this point)

People: "So you want us to stop making biger bombs? (Not literally, but basically the same thing) WELL FUCK YOU. We are not going to blow up th world, we are going to become the strongest nation in the world, and blow up any god damn, america hating fucker in our way."
(Proceed to curb stomp alien.)

Ufo explodes.

Roll credits.

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