Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Neon Lights. A Rant

This is an article on the proper use of Neon Lights.

Ok Seriously....

NO!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO!
Again NO! Never, NOOOOOOOOOO! NOt A good use.


The worst offender? Las Vegas. Seriously.

What the hell is with bars using neon lights? NO! Its stupid, overused, and in this case, really fucking hicklike. Its a fricking hick magnet. AHH WHY!

Ok. I want to make a petition. The only use for Neon Lights are as Follows:

1: A Cyberpunk Dystopia *You're not a Cyperpunk Dystopia? Then Fuck off.

2: You're Japan

Because Japan pretty much is a Cyberpunk Dystopia.
Congratulations Japan. Leader In Cyberpunk Dystopianism
I give you the official Congratulatory Statement.

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