Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tribute to Cacame Awemedinade

Cacame Awemedinade the Immortal Onslaught
While I wait for the year to reach 10,000 on my current Dwarf Fortress map,
I thought I would write a little tribute article to Cacame, for all of my non dwarf Fortress loving fans to gaze upon. For those that want a summary, Cacane us an elf who was made king of the dwarves.
Yeah. Elf King of dwarves.

(On a side, note I believe a few thousand people just died in my world)

Long story short.

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Poll

There is a new opinion poll on the side of the page to replacce the previous one.
Feel free to vote often.
After all its a matter of free speech.
You're allowed to choose whatever answer you wish.
A last bastion of freedom in our world.

Authority is Not Arbitrary this song is.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Neon Lights. A Rant

This is an article on the proper use of Neon Lights.

Ok Seriously....

NO!!!!!!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO!
Again NO! Never, NOOOOOOOOOO! NOt A good use.


The worst offender? Las Vegas. Seriously.

What the hell is with bars using neon lights? NO! Its stupid, overused, and in this case, really fucking hicklike. Its a fricking hick magnet. AHH WHY!

Ok. I want to make a petition. The only use for Neon Lights are as Follows:

1: A Cyberpunk Dystopia *You're not a Cyperpunk Dystopia? Then Fuck off.

2: You're Japan

Because Japan pretty much is a Cyberpunk Dystopia.
Congratulations Japan. Leader In Cyberpunk Dystopianism
I give you the official Congratulatory Statement.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Band Of The Week - ohGr

I haven't had a Band of the Week in a long time, so I thought I'd give you one.
I don't really feel compelled to keep doing this segment so yeah... this is probably the end of "Band Of The Week"

So lately....

I've been playing this awesome game called Audiosurf. Look it up its awesome.
Almost as cool as minecraft.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mass Update: Awesomeness, WTF. Communism, and MORE!

Today I'm doing something Different.
Instead of making tons of little articles, today you get one big one.

So I'd like to start with saying.

Is awesome. Check it out.
I plan on using it for the glorious task of mapping out my dwarf fortresses in 3d.

Oh Yeees and on the subject on Glorious things.
Here is your Daily What The Fuck MOMENT: This Most Glorious 30 Seconds of your life.

On another Glorious Side note. ☭ Yes that is a text symbol. I have no idea how to make it.

Also Japanese People Are awesome.

Alright thanks for sticking with me for another blog update.