Monday, June 8, 2009


So I was thinking of that question
What to do when set free upon the world.
I Figure I really want to travel.
So Thats my firts priority.
But where to go?
My choices of places to settle down would be Europe,
Specifically Germany, UK, or somewhere along the lines of that.
However, I also really want to go live down under.
(And search for thylacines.)
But I also want to see places...
I really want to see my family's home country, Indonesia.
And I want to see New Zealand of course.
(New Zealand All Blacks FTW)

Of Course then there is the idea of "Money"
I need some sort of occupation before I could do all this.
I'd really like my career as an author to take flight.
However, I also have a dream of owning a club.
(Fogmachine, Awesome lights, and And One. Fuck Yeah)
(Which takes me back to the Where to go question)

Of course then there are my other random goals,
involving barfights, monks, and Italians.

So really, what the hell am I going to do.
Oh well, I guess I will find out as It goes.
Thats life isn't it?


  1. a few observations:

    you failed to draw a line to new zealand.
    your family came from indonesia? (not an observation, fuck you)
    the all blacks are retarded.
    one of your lines stops in the middle of mongolia/siberia. what is there to see in siberia
    i want to come to your club.

  2. Tunguska

    It wasn't supposed to be very exact.
    Si i'm probably off a couple kilometers.
