Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Chips are awesome,

I just ate a ton of doritoes with sour cream.
Sour Cream is also awesome.

But doritoes are not the only awesome chip.

I like plain chips, like ripple chips, and such,
and kettle chips. Kettle chips are awesome!
My favorite flavor is this tuscan goat cheese stuff.
Unfortunatly the place i normally buy them from is now no longer selling them.
but they still have the new york cheddar!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Its Hot

Its really hot..
Its really really hot.
This annoys me.
Why is it so hot.....
Why is this blog so pointless?
Oh right... I do that on purpose.
Oh crap, I might have just given the secret away.
Oh wow... did this just get more pointless?
Yay me... wait that was self congratulatory, and obviously made this
more pointed....
Anyways, this blog is round.
Like a circle.
An awesome circle.
Not some lame normal circle.
Or some "Mediocre" circle.

Woah, I just noticed that a battery leaked acid all over my desk, and it burnt a little hole thing... crap.
I feel better now i have this chocolate wafer thing
Now i'm going to go listen to dick dale!

Band Of The Week - Dick Dale & The Del Tones

Above: King Of Awesome
Dick Dale is Awesome.(And amazingly still is.)
And that's why he gets to be the band of the week.
(Considering he is in his 70's or 80's.)
Anyways, tradition calls for a youtube Video!
So here it is.

Friday, June 19, 2009


What is it?
What does it taste like?
Will it give me cancer?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gey German Penguins

It was recently brought to my attention, that Gay German Penguins, exist.
While this may be one of the greatest things ever,
However, a few technicalities are bothering me.

How exactly are they German?
They may live in Germany, but did they apply for citizenship?
Do they have visa's? I think not.
They don't speak German.
They are not culturally German.
Ethnically they are Native-Antarctic.
Your Thoughts?

"Oh I just Loooooove your Lederhosen!"

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I just found this amazing play on youtube.
I wish Rugby was popular around here.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fuck The Media

And now a comparison.

Nirvana killed grunge.
Starwars killed Sci-Fi
The Matrix killed everything vaguely related to Cyberpunk.

While I hate Starwars, and sci-fi in general.
And the matrix.

Anything in the slightest sense of being related to cyberpunk.
Is instantly fraught with idiots with matrix quotes.

It fucking pisses me off.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Post

I'm going to randomly post lyrics from songs and make a paragraph..

Between the devil, and the deep blue sea, in the age of superbordem, hype, and mediocrity. I'm glad you've come around. I waste my time, but were gonna burn it down, down down! Said she, the passion to kiss is to wish me away. Will you stay down on your knees? Will you choose to walk or stay? You know me... The look in her eye just said it all. Sometimes, I want to be all alone. In the shadow free your hate... You only get respect when your kicking ass.

Monday, June 8, 2009

This post is ridiculously Awesome

It Really Is... It Really Really Is.

(Empty Space)
Alright. On With The Show.

Band Of The Week - Handful Os Snowdrops

Handful Of Snowdrops is a French Canadian band.
Making a fusion of Coldwave and... "Trippyness"
With definite influence by The Only Cure.
(Or The Cure For all you unknowing Slaves)
Their Music is interesting to say the lest.
Actually, Its Like The Cure, With a Synth, from Canada,
with a more new wave sound.

As A Side Note Their Music Video For "Gabrielle"
Totally hits a 7.5 on the "What The Fuck Am I Watching Scale"


So I was thinking of that question
What to do when set free upon the world.
I Figure I really want to travel.
So Thats my firts priority.
But where to go?
My choices of places to settle down would be Europe,
Specifically Germany, UK, or somewhere along the lines of that.
However, I also really want to go live down under.
(And search for thylacines.)
But I also want to see places...
I really want to see my family's home country, Indonesia.
And I want to see New Zealand of course.
(New Zealand All Blacks FTW)

Of Course then there is the idea of "Money"
I need some sort of occupation before I could do all this.
I'd really like my career as an author to take flight.
However, I also have a dream of owning a club.
(Fogmachine, Awesome lights, and And One. Fuck Yeah)
(Which takes me back to the Where to go question)

Of course then there are my other random goals,
involving barfights, monks, and Italians.

So really, what the hell am I going to do.
Oh well, I guess I will find out as It goes.
Thats life isn't it?