Friday, October 23, 2009

Band of the Week. - The Beatles

Above: Actual Beatle.

I don't think I have to say much about this band.
But hell, at least they made ONE good song.

Note: Someone once made a remark to me about this being the first industrial song.
Fuck you. Its not. The First industrial song recorded was made in 1913.
Yeah. 1913. Also Coum Transmission was already doing their 'art" before the white album was released.

I'm laughing at you....

From anonymous youtuber:

"Alright, I'm backing down.. but please understand you and all "Road Kill Puppy" fans are a bunch of industrail posing fags! For god's sake, at least listen to some quality industrail like Mushroomhead or Rammstein"

I'm laughing at you right now.
Yes some random asshole from the internet is laughing at you.
I'm not even going to argue about music.
In fact fuck this blog post.
(Suprisingly this was not the infamous "Goth0c" )

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Just thought I'd remind you that I am still alive.

New update coming soon.
Yes I'm actually working on an article.

Monday, October 12, 2009

What the hell.....

So something is on my mind.

Wen your a teenager, everyone assumes your out partying and such.
But you not aloud to smoke or drink or whatever....

But then. When your in your twenties, and actually legally allowed to go to most parties, you're looked down on, because your supposed to be getting mature, and settling down. (Unless your in college.)

What the hell is with that.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

a Video Game

Pretty soon, I'm going to be making a new blog following my attempt to make a video game.
I'll be posting links soon.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oh ye remmu

So I just got home from work.
And I made $20
putting mwe closer to my goal of buying a victrola!


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Another Webcomic - Mountain Of Doom!

click for Full size

Also, the Delay is because I'm looking for a new way to digitally draw this than my current program. The current one slaughters the image quality when saved.

Finally Decieded on a name.
I don't care If I spell things incorrectly, most of this blog is spelled badly.
And has bad grammer.
Because I only update it when I am to tired to type.